Subtask D: Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination

Knowledge transfer and dissemination: Final Report on Communication and Dissemination - Summary of Activities, Outcomes and Analysis
Knowledge transfer and dissemination: Final Report on Communication and Dissemination - Summary of Activities, Outcomes and Analysis
Report D.D3
October 2021 - PDF 1.78MB
Editor: Roger Curtis & Anne Schmidt

While this heading should not dominate the report, the impacts of COVID-19 on the delivery of many aspects of the project need to be stated, especially as 2020 was the core year for partners and stakeholders to progress on many fronts with full familiarity of the project work. The effects of COVID-19 and its restrictions have been varied, but as the project was well established, with existing relationships developed, the effects could have been much worse. While in mid-2020 there was a pause in activities, and partners readjusted their businesses and operations to the new conditions, by Autumn 2020 most were familiar and active with digital means of communication. Once adopted, the change to online working for all participants has allowed a quicker and easier exchange of information, and meetings were better attended.