Articles by Task 56 Experts

Building Integrated Solar Envelopes: Current Status and Actions Needed
Building Integrated Solar Envelopes: Current Status and Actions Needed
July 2020 - PDF 1.55MB

The objective of our Task on Building Integrated Solar Envelope Systems for HVAC and Lighting was to answer how solar envelope systems can become common practice in building construction. The SHC team that tackled this challenge was a group of experts from eight countries representing seven companies, six universities, and four research institutes. How they went about it was to tackle the issue from different angles – simulation of multifunctional envelope systems, review of laboratory tests and norms, and market assessments. The following is what they concluded needs to be done and by whom to push this technology further into the building market.

Building Experts at EuroSun 2018 Discuss What’s Being Done and What Needs To Be Done
Building Experts at EuroSun 2018 Discuss What’s Being Done and What Needs To Be Done
December 2018 - PDF 0.21MB

The 12th EuroSun International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry was a big success. On September 10th to 13th, more than 130 oral and 180 poster presentations were given to an audience of researchers, professionals, and experts from all over the world in Rapperswil, Switzerland.